A Friend and Companion

Seven years ago, during my second year of my masters work, it was a particular rough time for me. I was struggling with my research and teaching responsibilities. I had taken over the lecture portion of a dual listed class. It was also during this time that I got tired of coming home to an empty house.  After having lived at home with several dogs, I knew that I needed companionship before I went crazy. Continue reading

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Travels and Tribulations

Over the last few weeks I have traveled over 3500 miles.  I traversed most of the southern United States.  The adventure began in Norfolk at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS).  I was at a workshop for a software package called PRIMER-E. Used extensively for multivariate analysis of ecological data.  To sum it up, looking at all the factors when using large data sets or for a more ecological scope of work.  It is funny that sitting for 8 hours learning all the in and outs of a software package that it would be entirely draining.   Continue reading

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Current PictureOver the last few years I have been going through several changes in my life.  It began around February 2008, I decided that I needed a large change in my life.  At that time I weighed 324 lbs, with a waist size of 50 inches.  I’m not sure what prompted me to say to myself, get off your ass.

And get off my ass I did.  Since that time I have lost approximately 127 lbs, as of last weigh in I was down to 196-197 lbs.  The old school scales can be quite finicky I will say.  Currently, my waist is somewhere around 37 inches.  I have lost over a foot of stuff from my body.  There are times I look in the mirror and wonder who the hell is that staring back at me.

Looking back now, it was actually quite an easy process.  Instead of eating huge portions of food, I paired down.  I also played a ton of racquetball, which has become one of my favorite sports.  Which leads into the next phase of my life.

After starting a new job and still in the process of losing weight, I met D, who really helped improve my racquetball game.  And through him I met V.  Which made another large change in my life. The following two years I had made a decision, this was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.  Unfortunately, this was one change that was not going to be.  Due to differences, we decided to part ways.  Of course there is always more to the story but that is good enough.

And now I am working on my next change. Several years from now I will be at the ultimate stage of my academic career.

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Updates Galore

Well not really.  Decided to try out a new look, like the layout.  Still won’t update that much really.  I guess I really don’t have much to say.

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Haven’t updated anything in a long time.  As usual with my websites.  Le sigh.

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